terms of use

terms of use

  • The supplier shall submit official documents that he is registered with the Ministry of Commerce.
  • The supplier is obligated to provide proof that he is at least eighteen years old, as is considered in the laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • The supplier declares that it has sufficient knowledge and experience to establish, establish and manage its online store through the Zoon online platform
  • The supplier agrees that if he violates this article “Terms and Conditions”, he will bear the consequences of this violation in front of consumers, users or the concerned authorities.
  • The supplier is obligated to upload the products through the suppliers’ official page, and Zoon has nothing to do with uploading the products or updating the products on its behalf, with the exception of the business package.
  • The supplier is fully committed to matching and updating product quantities on the Zoon platform.
  • In the event of non-compliance with providing the required quantities, the supplier shall be brought with a notice, and in the event that this is repeated, the account will be suspended temporarily or permanently.
  • In the event that it is not possible to provide the full quantity, the supplier must provide the reason for this, and the Zoon management must consider the matter and take the appropriate decision.